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Андрианова Г.А.

Пост N: 36
Зарегистрирован: 08.10.05
Откуда: Москва
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.04.13 22:02. Заголовок: Эвристическая олимпиада по английскому языку (перевод)

Дистанционные олимпиады ЦДО "Эйдос" https://eidos.ru/event/olymp/dist/

Дорогие участники олимпиады!

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Поздравляем вас с участием в необычной олимпиаде - Эвристической. Эврика! - воскликнул однажды Архимед, когда сделал свое открытие.

Сколько раз вы сегодня крикните или прошепчете слово Эврика?

Мы гордимся вами, гордимся, что вы нашли время, чтобы сделать сегодня свои творческие открытия. Это достойный уважения труд во все времена.

Желаем вам получить радость от собственной творческой работы.

Ваше первое задание на форуме: Целеполагание. Только тот, кто умеет ставить цели своей работы, может добиться успеха.

Напишите ответы на вопросы:
1. Как тебя зовут? В каком классе ты учишься, где живешь?
2. Какие у тебя успехи в изучении английского языка?
3. Почему ты участвуешь в олимпиаде по переводу?
4. Что помогает тебе достичь поставленных целей?

Участники олимпиады из младшей и средней группы могут писать ответы на русском языке, старшая группа пишет на английском языке.

С уважением,
Андрианова Галина Александровна, к.п.н,
зав.кафедрой иностранных языков ЦДО "Эйдос",

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Новых ответов нет , стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All [см. все]

Yakunina Masha

Пост N: 6
Зарегистрирован: 06.12.12
Откуда: Rassia, Khabarovsk
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 01:13. Заголовок: Hello again everyone..

Hello again everyone. I certainly do not Fet and even Pushkin, but I'm also a little writing. Here is one of moyh proizvedey.
But I can not think of a name for it. Help me. I think all of you have a great imagination, once you participate in this competition.
And here is the verse:
Весна красавица моя
Скажи откуда ты пришла
И что теперь захочешь ты
Ты не молчи, а говори.
И расскажи мне милая о том
Где ты была , что увидала
Иль может быть от нас ты, что скрывала?
Открой мне тайну мироздания и будь же рядом ты со мной
А если ты захочешь счастья, я разделю его с тобой.
Не плачь моя растает снег, распустятся деревья
И будет жизнь и будет мир
И будет все, как ты хотела.

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Карина Стоун

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 11.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 02:35. Заголовок: Salut. As you can se..

Salut. As you can see my name is Karina, I live in a bit gloomy but pretty town - Severomorsk, which is the capital of the Northern Fleet (it really doesn't matter at all, but many people find this fact very important and impressive). I'm in the eleventh form.
Talking about my results in studying English I should mention my participation in countless Olympiads, contests - some of them I won, some - none If to be honest I really appreciate my knowledge and improving accent - I find these things more meaningful.
I've decided to take part in this Olympiad, 'cause translation is one of the best way to assess the abilities and knowledge of English. Experience gives great advantages, you know
Volition and the desire to expand the boundaries of knowledge English - that's what helps me to achieve my goals. I believe that English gives a lot of possibilities for future, especially for career.

Спасибо: 1 
Богомолова Марина

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 03:20. Заголовок: My name is Marina B..

My name is Marina Bogomolova. V 4 b,In Yst-Orda,Lenina street 49-2

Read,Learn by hart,translate from English into Russian.

I like Englisn.
Достичь поставленных целей мне помогает упорство и труд

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Арбакова Настя

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 03:27. Заголовок: 1. Меня зовут Настя...

1. Меня зовут Настя. Я учусь в 4 «б» классе Усть-Ордынской средней школы № 1, живу в п. Усть-Ордынский.
2. Я изучаю английский язык только третий год, поэтому успехи в изучении английского языка не так хороши как хотелось бы.
3. Хочу повысить свои знания английского языка и проверить уровень моих знаний.
4. Упорство и усидчивость помогают мне в достижении поставленных целей.

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Хинхаева Ира

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 03:33. Заголовок: Hinhaeva Ira I am ..

Hinhaeva Ira
I am in the 4 from
I live in Ust – Orda
I am have got mind

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Миронова Света

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 03:41. Заголовок: 1)My name is Sveta M..

1)My name is Sveta Mironova.I am in the 4th from.I live on the Lenin st.
2)Я думаю потому что я на уроках отвечаю на вопросы.
3)Потому что мне нравится урок английского языка .
4)Наверное потому что я хорошо учусь.

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Баглаева Анна

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 03:41. Заголовок: 1) Good day, my name..

1) Good day, my name is Anya Baglaeva. I'm 15 years old. I am a student of the ninth form of secondary school No.1 and I live in а small town of Ust -Ordynsky not far from Lake Baikal.
2) Well, what about my results in studying English? Of course, I can speak, read, write in English, translate different texts, but I want to do it better and I hope I will do my best to master my English. Every year I take part in the school and regional Olympiads and I even won the first place in the regional Olympiad this academiс year.
3) I am taking part in the Olympiad (translation) for the first time as I would like to estimate my potential.
4) I hope that my knowledge of English, my ambitions as well as dictionaries and the Internet will help me to gain my aims.

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Рыжикова Алина

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 11.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 03:48. Заголовок: Moscow -the moon

I imagine Red Square of the capital. Hundred steel dragonflies curl over the heads of going columns. Low, low float dream dirigible balloons of my youth, performance of my treasured imaginations, perhaps, a certain result of my early works.

Forty years I worked over the jet engine and thought that walk to Mars will begin only through many hundreds years. But terms change. I believe that many of you will be witnesses of the first exoatmospheric travel...
Heroes and daredevils will lay the first airways: Earth- orbit of Moon, Earth orbit of Mars, and still further: Moscow -the moon, Kaluga-Mars. Hello to you! I imagine Red Square of the capital. Hundred steel dragonflies curl over the heads of going columns. Low, low float dream dirigible balloons of my youth, performance of my treasured imaginations, perhaps, a certain result of my early works.
Now, companions, I am sure that, my other dream - interplanetary travel, theoretically reasonable by me, will turn into reality

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Богданова Татьяна

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 04:00. Заголовок: Hello, my name is Ta..

Hello, my name is Tatyana Bogdanova. I'm 15 years old.
I live small town of Ust–Ordynsky and I am student of the ninth form of school No.1.
I think, my results in studying English are good, because I have been taking part in the school an Olympiads four years already and I even won the third place in regional English language Olympiad this year. I also take part in the «British bulldog» took the second place this year.
I am taking part in the Olympiad (translation), because I should like to admit that I really want to master the language to perfection.
In my opinion, I will gain my aims with the help of my responsibility and analytical knowledge.

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Орноева Раджана

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 04:03. Заголовок: Hello!!!My name is R..

Hello!!!My name is Radzhana, I live in Ust - Orda, I am in the 4 from, Good, I am have got mind.

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Рыжикова Алина

Пост N: 2
Зарегистрирован: 11.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 04:05. Заголовок: I very much like swa..

I very much like swallows. They is the truth are a symbol of spring. I guees that this work is valid about that as the swallow brings to us spring.There is a set of songs about swallows and about that they are beautiful.Their arrival symbolizes nature awakening, breath of spring.Swallows- are birds of life.

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Рыжикова Алина

Пост N: 3
Зарегистрирован: 11.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 04:12. Заголовок: I very much liked to..

I very much liked to carry out these сщтеуые. Best of all at me the 4th task turned out. As it was especially interesting to me to carry out it. I had difficulties with the 2nd task. But my persistence and support from friends helped me to cope with this not a great difficulty. It was great!

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Богомолова Марина

Пост N: 3
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 04:12. Заголовок: HELLO!My name is Mar..

HELLO!My name is Marina.I live in Yst-Orda.V 4 cl.I like read,Learn by hart,Speak English. I love English!
Достичь поставленых целей мне помогает упорство и труд!

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Богданова Татьяна

Пост N: 2
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 05:06. Заголовок: Задание 5. My results of the Olympiad.

I think I have completed all the tasks well. Perhaps, I will have good results in this Olympiad because I have been preparing for it, and my attitude to these tasks was serious.
I’m optimistic about this Olympiad, because I hope I have fulfilled all the tasks well. Tasks No.2 and 3 have caused positive emotions, because they seemed interesting and enjoyable. The second task was funny, because it requires translation the children's poem about the fairy-tale hero from different points of view. The third task was also a poem about laziness and the Internet addiction. I like it because it shows the challenging problem of modern life.
I have difficulty when I doing Task No 4. Translating songs is very difficult, because the rhyming Russian verses cannot coincide with the Russian rhymes and create very complicated combinations that are unique to the Russian language.
I would like to offer the motto for the creative translator - «The longer the text, the more space for creativity». This motto means that, if the text is long, it is possible to better understand its meaning and show creative abilities in interpreting a foreign text.
No doubt, doing such tasks has required a lot of questions. I would like to ask the participants of the Olympiad some questions. First of all, I wonder if it is possible to translate rhymes without losing their sense. Secondly, isn’t it difficult to show what temperament has while translating a short well-known rhyme about Humpty-Dumpty. In conclusion, I want to say that I appreciate such contests and I will take a part in them in future.

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Пост N: 2
Зарегистрирован: 11.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 05:32. Заголовок: Hello again, the bes..

Hello again, the best I was able to make 4 job, helped me in doing this job: dictionaries. Internet, parents.
positive feelings I had for the duration of the entire competition, because I like English. Difficulty rescued two jobs to translate songs and writing poems ,
to perform these tasks I needed dictionaries familiar English teacher, and of course the parents, and the slogan of this "labor, merit: courage and blood"

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Пост N: 3
Зарегистрирован: 11.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 05:33. Заголовок: My question to all t..

My question to all the "why are you writing this Olympics and what it helped you?"

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Саша Ячмень

Пост N: 11
Зарегистрирован: 06.12.12
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 06:04. Заголовок: Good afternoon!) My ..

Good afternoon!) My name is. I live in the city of Khabarovsk. I am in the Gymnasium № 1 in 5 B class. I learn English. I have a good poluchaetsya translate their poetic verses. And I poluchaetsya recount texts. I are participating in this competition because I have done very well poluchaetsya poetic perevody.Mne helps to achieve my goals, my determination and poznovatelnost.

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Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 06:32. Заголовок: Fuck


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Саша Ячмень

Пост N: 12
Зарегистрирован: 06.12.12
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 06:41. Заголовок: 1) I have got the be..

1) I have got the best to translate a song))))
2) 3 because it was interesting predumyvat different names: D
3) I do not byllo not any difficulties.
4) Poems we sochenyaem bad, but poetically reveiw!
5) How do you think you will take the place in the school / region / country.

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Кузьмина Анастасия

Пост N: 48
Зарегистрирован: 12.03.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 06:46. Заголовок: Задание №5

1. I think reflection is good. I just wrote the truth, and all by itself out.
2. Task number one I'll never forget, because there I was the easiest because I am very sociable and it was easy to adapt.
3. Task number 4 caused me trouble and I had to read it again and again, but soon it was all clear, and in the end it well.
4. Illuminated by light and others. (Гореть самим и зажигать других)
5. What impressions did you have from this contest? Explain the answer.

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Баглаева Анна

Пост N: 2
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 08:03. Заголовок: Thank you very much ..

Thank you very much for this very exciting Olympiad. I think I showed the best results in the Task #3, because I like translate poems from English into Russian.
What's more, the Task #4 caused me the most positive emotions. To translate the Russian song is very interesting, because you are helping to understand this song to English-speaking people.
I dare say that some participants may not cope with the Task #4. It's very difficult and requires a good knowledge of grammar and a large vocabulary.
I would like to offer the motto "The art of translation is the art of thinking" for the creative translator.
I would like to appreciate my involving in such a challenging creative project. Though, I have got some questions to the participants of this Olympiad. Have they the same difficulty in translating the Task #3? I wonder, is they could maintain the spirit and the sense of the most popular Russian song? How can lyrics of the song display the temper of music?
No doubt, as for me I have tried to convey the mood of this song. And what about you?

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Алсагаров С.Э.

Пост N: 2
Зарегистрирован: 11.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 08:11. Заголовок: 1. I think my best r..

1. I think my best result in this Olympiad is the fourth task. It was very difficult but very interesting and exciting too. It required a lot of efforts for me and in my opinion I have made all I was able to do. I feel proud of myself.
2. The most positive emotions caused the second task. It was unusual and I found it very funny. In this task I could use a creativity and fantasy as well as in all other tasks. But it differs from them because making little poems in different styles is amazing idea!
3. The main difficulty was to find a word for a rhyme. I came upon this problem in all tasks. I was hard remembering words and was trying to find some of them in the dictionary. Hard working helped me to overcome all difficulties.
4. Work, work and work.
5. The questions to the participants: What qualities do you think can help the participant to win?
What are you thinking about the tasks?
How did you know about the Olympiad (from the forum, teacher and etc.)?

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Масленцов Р.В.

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 08:35. Заголовок: My name is Maslentso..

My name is Maslentsov Rostislav Vladimirovich.
I am from 11 form. I live in the centre of the World - Nizhnevartovsk.
I am sure that I am good at english, so I'll win this olimpiade!
I am taking part in this competition becouse I am very competetive and hungry to victories.
Now I had not achieved all my goals because I have set the hight bar and soon you will
hear about me.

I have a perfect result, I'm sure, becouse i'm simply the best.
Translation of the song was the funniest exercise but it was easy.
I didn't overcome the diffcults becouse i found this tasks simple enough.
"Be the best and you will be the best."
Question for my opponents (losers):"Do you know who will be the winner of this competition?"

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Yakunina Masha

Пост N: 8
Зарегистрирован: 06.12.12
Откуда: Rassia, Khabarovsk
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 14:01. Заголовок: Масленцов Р.В. пишет..

Масленцов Р.В. пишет:

"Do you know who will be the winner of this competition?"

I think we all won, as decided on this competition, we test our strength and endurance. It's great that for you it is easy and simple, but do not be so confident. I think we have a lot of strong contenders.

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Бердникова Анастасия

Пост N: 5
Зарегистрирован: 06.12.12
Откуда: Russia, Khabarovsk
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 09:16. Заголовок: Hello everyone :) My..

Hello everyone :)
My name is Berdnikova Nastya, I'm in 5th class Gymnasium № 1 in Khabarovsk. I'm good to retell texts. I decided to participate in the competition, because I'm interested to translate the English texts. It helps me reach my goal of striving for success in learning English.

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Каштанова В. А.

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 09:22. Заголовок: My answer.

Good day!
My name is Kashtanova Vera and I am from Nizhnevatovsk, Sibеria. I study in ninth class of school number nine. All my live I want to know English, because I think that It is language of friendship. English language helps me to talk with people from other countries and I think about this like it is kind of magic! So I try to work hard for myself, I want to make my English better, than other people will understand me better. Now, I think, my language confused.
I'm taking part in this Olympiad, because I want to do the exercises from it and learn new things. I can spend my time useful, so because I takin part in this Olympiad.
First thing that I use to gain my aim is knowledge of rules. It is foundation of English language. Second thing is wordbook, it always helps me to remember something. Third thing is my imagination, because words in English have many means and you can understand everything in your own way.

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Басина А.

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 09:56. Заголовок: Hello, my name is An..

Hello, my name is Anastasia Basina and I'm from Murmansk region, my home town is Severomorsk. I study in english gymnasium №1, in 10th form.
I estimate my results in English really good, but I still hope for more. Since 8th form I participate in town English olympiad, this year I even passed to the regional stage, but wasn't good enough there, unfortunately. Now I have to study English as more as I can to improve my skills and grammar, translation etc. This fact became the first reason why I take part in translation Olympiad. The second reason is my wish to try myself in something new and to check my knowledge.
This time I was helped by my own fantasy and, of course, knowledge of lexis, grammar and other things. I hope all my efforts will worth it.

Спасибо: 0 

Пост N: 17
Зарегистрирован: 24.10.05
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:05. Заголовок: The first task

My name is Nastya. I am from Russia. I live in Irkutsk. I can use different temporary form, translate texts and speak English, but it is not easily for me and sometimes I fell uncertain myself, because I do not have enough words in my vocabulary. I think that it is very useful for my development and my out look. I can understand what standard knowledge of English I have. Try to translate unusual text and learn many new words. I like doing something new, so interest and aspiration to become better help me, because the sky is the limit.

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Курц М.А.

Пост N: 2
Зарегистрирован: 11.04.13
Откуда: Россия, Нижневартовск
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:09. Заголовок: You know, I think I ..

You know, I think I have good results in this Olympiad! Generally I liked task #3. It is rather interesting and unusual! But I had some difficulties in translating the song: sometimes I just couldn't find the right rhyme! But nevertheless I've done it rather well! So all the tasks are very interestnig in its own way! I believe I'm the winner!

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мороз наташа

Не зарегистрирован
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:09. Заголовок: hello!!!

My name is Natasha,I am from Khabarovsk in Russia.I know English very well,I have studied English for six years.I decided to take part in the Olympiad,because I want to test my knowledge,I think I could do it.The Internet and the textbook in English help me to archieve my goal.

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Басина А.

Пост N: 2
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:18. Заголовок: 1. I don't know ..

1. I don't know which tasks of all I completed the best, because I don't like to estimate my work before the results are revealed, but all in all I have a good impression because the tasks were'nt so difficult as they could be, as for me. I hope my opinion will acquit in my result. I managed to complete all the tasks by my own fantasy and aim to do my best.
2. The most positive emotions were caused by the task named "My Earth", because I like music very much, though I never tried to translate the song from English into Russian poetically. It was interesting to sing completely different from usual variant of the song text.
3. The difficulties were dogging me all the time I was completing the tasks. But the most significant is the problem with reducing unnecessary words in russian translations! That's my problem - I always have to say more than needed. After that I always desperately try to reduce the amount of words, and this time, I think, I've done it succesfully.
4. It's so interesting and sudden question! I think, this Olympiad has to attract future participants with two things: 1) Practice 2) Joy. I saw books with motto like "We study, we play", and I suppose something like that should be the motto of this Olympiad.

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Куприянчик Д.

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:18. Заголовок: Hello! My name is Da..

Hello! My name is Daria. I’m from Severomorsk (Russia, Murmansk region).
I’m studying in the 10 form in Gymnasium №1.
I like to participate in the Olympiads and competitions on English language. Every year I participate in the competition "British Bulldog" and achieve there the defined results. I’m trying to improve my skills of English. I decided to take part in these Olympiad because I find
it very interesting (translation). I think the most important problem why people don't reach the purposes is laziness. I try not to be lazy and to devote myself completely to act which I am engaged in, without distracting on anything.

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Каштанова В. А.

Пост N: 2
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:23. Заголовок: #5

My best results on this Olympiad is my best essay or poem which I wrote or translate. It is my hard work, so I like it very much. I work hard with my teachers and read very much to do this tasks. I feel so good with second and third exercises. It was very fun for me :D why? I think it is so because I tried to write some jokes.)
Hardest thing for me... It was the fifth task, because there was very much words. I just did it. That's all.
My motto was 'Do everything that you can NOW!".
Oh my God, it really wasn't hard, and I don't know why
Can you answer me a question: 'can you exclude the tasks of hand made?'
Because I didn't think that it is interesting for Olympiad and it is better to create the tasks of essay.
Thank U.

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в..д приколист98

Пост N: 2
Зарегистрирован: 11.04.13
Откуда: Россия, Хабаровск
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:25. Заголовок: Good day.Nowadais I ..

Good day.Nowadais I finished my questions and it were very funny.I think that my best part is translatin from russian to english.I did it with helping of my friends and books.And I think that 3 exersise is the best because it was very easy and lovely.Yesterday I said that I speak in english not good and it disturbet me to make my work.But I'm tried make my work and I did it." If you know your language you can know yourself, but if you know foreign language you can change world."

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Алексей Кирияк

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Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:27. Заголовок: Hello! My name is A..

Hello! My name is Alex. I am from in Russia, and live in Irkutsk. I have something good results for example, im very good translate text. I am taking part in the Olympiad, because I want to fulfill your potential and learn something new. My purposeful, curiosity and the desire to win this competition helps me to gain my aims.

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Kozlova Alex

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Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:30. Заголовок: The first task

My name is Alexandra. I am in the tenth form. I live in Irkutsk. My level of English is intermediate. The reason why I am taking part in the Olympiad is my desire to improve my English. I study at Easy School, read books in English, have private lessons and try to do my best.

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Круг Даниил

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Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:32. Заголовок: The first task

My name is Daniil. I am from Russia. I live in Irkutsk. I am in the 9th form. I think I am good enough in English, but sometimes I have some problems with grammar. I am taking part in this Olympiad because I want to increase my knowledge of English. My teachers and the GOD help me to gain my aims.

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Мария Куклина

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Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:34. Заголовок: Good day, I am Maria..

Good day, I am Maria Kuklina and I live in Irkutsk. By the way, it’s a big city in the West of Siberia. I suppose I have good results in studying English, but I have a bad memory and usually forget words and their meanings. I am studying in School №11 and at the same time I’m taking an English classes in Language University. I am taking a part in the Olympiad because I think it will be very interesting and educational. On the other hand, it’s very good opportunity to check and practice my English. I really feel only my will and wish can help me to gain my aims.

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Талалаева Н.П.

Пост N: 1
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
Откуда: Россия, Североморск
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:48. Заголовок: Hello! 1. 1) My nam..

1) My name is Natasha. I live in Severomorsk, a small town on the Kola peninsula. I'm 16 years old. I study in Gymnasium №1, in 10th form.
2) I have good results in learning English. I am an excellent student. I took part in different English olympiads and succeed in them.
Also, I can speak with different people all over the world ( thanks to modern technologies, such as Skype.)
3) I decided to take part, because, firstly, it is very interesting. Secondly, it helps me to expand my vocabulary. Thirdly, it is priceless experience.
4) Hard work, dedication and self-confidence help me to gain my aims. And, of course, encouragement of my mom and my English teacher. Their opinion is very important to me.

1) I did my best doing this Olympiad. I think I managed to the tasks, so I hope the judges will highly appreciate my work.
2) The third task caused my most positive emotions, because sometimes I write poems. And it was so interesting to translate this little funny poem so as to
preserve the meaning, make the lazy person move and smile.
3) The most difficult task for me was the fourth, because I like the song of “Zemlyane" and I want to accurately convey the pleasure, which I always feel listening to this song.
4) Just believe in yourself. Just do it.
5) Questions to my opponents.
Will you take part in this Olympiad next year? Do you want to connect your profession with English ( linguist, interpreter, teacher) ? Would you visit English-speaking country, if you had such opportunity?

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Басина А.

Пост N: 3
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.13
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.04.13 10:55. Заголовок: I'm really looki..

I'm really looking forward to participate again. The tasks are really interesting, don't you think?
I learn English to go away from this country and become a journalist
The travel to English-speaking country is vital for practice. I've been to Finland with the group of kids so I was the one who knew English better than anybode else. We had an exursion to school and I talked so much, that I was so happy! Have you yourself been to any country, where Russian is'nt talked?

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